I want to chat with Hilary Duff
Dear hillary duff, i cant beleive i actually can type to you its so cool. I been to one of your concerts before i think it was the first cd you made but not the Lizzie Mcguire movie one.I hope you can type back to me soon. Your fan, Marisa
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
hillary i want to talk with you , i was stay with you , i miss you in the highshool do you rememmber , i was talk with you . please add me to your e-mail please is live or dead im very exited with talk with you
> hillary i want to talk with you , i was stay with you , i miss you in the highshool do you rememmber , i was talk with you . please add me to your e-mail please is live or dead im very exited with talk with you
i was made for lovin you hillary in the hihgschool my e-mail: jose_zo4242@msn.com add me please , if you have heart please....:(
> hillary i want to talk with you , i was stay with you , i miss you in the highshool do you rememmber , i was talk with you . please add me to your e-mail please is live or dead im very exited with talk with you
i was made for lovin you hillary in the hihgschool my e-mail: jose_zo4242@msn.com add me please , if you have heart please....:(
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! > Hilary Duff is the best singer
> > > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! > > Hilary Duff is the best singer Hilary
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings and what movies she had made when she was little.She's my favourite singer in the whole world!!!!!!!!! > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she singsand what movies she had made when she was little. PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF!
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
hilary duff how are you doing
> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little. > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! >
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