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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

I want to chat with Hilary Duff

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# 136 19 years ago

hilary duff please let my chat with you ??

i am your 1# fan !!!!!!!!!
please please please please pleas
# 137 19 years ago

> > > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
> > > PLEASE I WANT TO CHAT WITH HILARY DUFF! i m truley a fan of yours would you like to come over to my house
> >
# 138 19 years ago

> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
# 139 19 years ago

> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
# 140 19 years ago

> > I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
# 141 19 years ago

I really want to chat with Hilary, I have so much to tell her, I always wanted to chat with her! That is one of my dreams!
# 142 19 years ago

hi hilary

I want to tell u how good your songs are me and my freinds are doing your song for a talent show its called girl can rock we just think your super cool.

from daisy
# 143 19 years ago

First off, only email some kind of answer if this is actually Hilary. Second, whats important to you do you get to spend time away from your reality and relax? I mean as someone famous this must be annoying at times to never have any time to do something or to have your fans constantaly trying to find more about you and different things they like about you.

To tell you the truth when I first heard about you I didn't like the idea. About what and why i don't know. Then my sisters and cousins got me your Metamorphisis and Hilary Duff CS's. I really liked the songs, The second disk listed I can never remember what the songs are like until I start listening to them again. That led to movies your in. To tell you the truith I just finished watchin A Cinderela Story. Sorry, you must hear this kind of stuff all the time.

So, what is important to you, friends, family, career? Never hold your answer to just one of the picks, rather hold to what you believe in your heart.

Well I hope to chat with you again and maybe even meet you. Bye for now!

# 144 19 years ago

First off, only email some kind of answer if this is actually Hilary. Second, whats important to you do you get to spend time away from your reality and relax? I mean as someone famous this must be annoying at times to never have any time to do something or to have your fans constantaly trying to find more about you and different things they like about you.

To tell you the truth when I first heard about you I didn't like the idea. About what and why i don't know. Then my sisters and cousins got me your Metamorphisis and Hilary Duff CS's. I really liked the songs, The second disk listed I can never remember what the songs are like until I start listening to them again. That led to movies your in. To tell you the truith I just finished watchin A Cinderela Story. Sorry, you must hear this kind of stuff all the time.

So, what is important to you, friends, family, career? Never hold your answer to just one of the picks, rather hold to what you believe in your heart.

Well I hope to chat with you again and maybe even meet you. Bye for now!

# 145 19 years ago

hi hilary i want to know wots it like to be famour and i want to meet u i am still very young do u like being a star i wish i could be
lov laura braham
> I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
# 146 19 years ago

lexie frank
> I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
# 147 19 years ago

i wanna b famouse like hilary duff! she sings perfectly! (if u get this message hil, tell romeo he rox 2!) i luv u hilary!
# 148 19 years ago

dear Hilary,
I love your songs and movies!!!!!
# 149 19 years ago

> i really need to chat with hilary duff, i want to talk to her,
>i need to ta;l with her!
# 150 19 years ago

> I really want to chat with Hilary Duff!I have a lot to tell her about how she sings(what songs)and what movies she had made when she was little.
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