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Diet Pepsi ad's song?

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# 31 21 years ago

Thank you all!
I never knew what the last word of the song was in the add, so all my searchs to find the name of it were fruitless. Until I came here!
I found out that the song (performed by one of my favorites, MxPx) is called 'Well Adjusted' Yea! My search is over.
And, I'd just thought I'd point out, that the guys in MxPx are Christian, so they hopefully wouldn't sing a song about masturbating...Plus all of them are married...

# 32 21 years ago

> > Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
> > Thanks!
> : Abby
> Dear Abby the band u r referring to is called MxPx the song they sang on the commercial is going to be on their upcoming album
# 33 20 years ago

> > at first I thought they were saying 'masturbating' also, but they actually ARE saying 'masturbating'
> : i wish i knew what the song's called.... mxpx suck and currently reside in the "where are they now files" i think.
> >> Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
> >> Thanks!
> :> Abby
> The song is on MxPx's new album 'Before Everything and After'. the song isn't that good, and the cd failed to sell hardly any copies. its called 'Well Adjusted'. i think the the band has since been dropped by their record label, typical of most alternative type bands.> >> Bill
# 34 20 years ago

>anyone know the name of the guitar music at the start and end credits on the movie "a little romance"
# 35 20 years ago

>anyone know the name of the guitar music at the start and end credits on the movie "a little romance"
# 36 13 years ago

they actually do use the word masturbating in the song, just listen
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