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Diet Pepsi ad's song?

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# 16 21 years ago

It's masquerading not masterbating and anyone that tells you the song is called Well Adjusted is a moron. The band IS MXPX though.
# 17 21 years ago

> Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
> Thanks!
: Abby

If you look closely at the stage at the beginning of the commercial given on the Pepsi website there is a big yellow sign that reads MXPX which is the band. I was in the middle of trying to answer the same question when I came across that, I'm not aware of the song name but that is definatly the band. Hope that helps!

# 18 21 years ago

I dunno, i wanna know too

# 19 21 years ago

> Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
> Thanks!
: Abby
Thank god someone else hears the same thing I am. Someone told me they're singing 'masquerading' and not 'masturbating' but I just saw the commercial again damn it sure sounds like 'masturbating.' Funny.
# 20 21 years ago

hey girl i jsut wanted to let you know that i have been looking for the answer to that question for months and i believe it might be the smashing pumpkins i am not sure i doubt it but i am still looking some idiot told me that it was a flock of seagulls and it is not

# 21 21 years ago

> : Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
>> Thanks!
:> Abby
: Dear Abby the band u r referring to is called MxPx the song they sang on the commercial is going to be on their upcoming album

They are saying masquerading not masturbating.
# 22 21 years ago

> Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
: Thanks!
: Abby

# 23 21 years ago

It's by MxPx and it's called Well adjusted! I was wondering for a long time to!

: Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
> Thanks!
: Abby

# 24 21 years ago

I absolutely love that song... has anyone found out what's the name of that song... I NEED TO KNOW ASAP! its drivin me crazy! and can anyone tell me when their new cd is coming out so i can buy it the first day it comes out?!? Thanks alot and plz email me with your answers!

# 25 21 years ago

You won't even believe how long I have searched for the name of that band! I can't believe I didn't recognize it was them..*slaps forehead* Thanks so much! :D (feel free to e-mail me to or anything. I'm bored. lol)
# 26 21 years ago

The song on the diet pepsi commerical is called 'well adjusted' and i believe it has not been released yet.

# 27 21 years ago

I already know the band's name. I need to know the song that they are singing in that commercial. Could you please let me know.

# 28 21 years ago

> at first i thought they were saying 'masturbating' also, but they actually say 'masquerading'
: i wish i knew what the song's called.... i like mxpx
>> Ok I think its a diet pepsi add that features a father and son covered in mud at a concert and the band is singing somthing like 'Am I the one thats going crazy I'm just so tired of masturbating' - anyone know who sings this or what the name of it is?
>> Thanks!
:> Abby
I don't know if you know who sang that song yet, but i think its 'Well Adjusted' by MXPX. Hope this helps
bye :)

# 29 21 years ago

you dumbass its 'im so tired of masquerading' its the song well adjusted by MxPx

# 30 21 years ago

The song is called 'well adjusted' by mxpx

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