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Navy Commercial Song

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# 1 19 years ago

Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)

If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.

# 2 19 years ago

hey man i was wondering if you found out the name of the godsmack song from the navy commercial and it would be a big help if you could tell me the name of it if you found out

# 3 19 years ago

the song is alive by godsmack
# 4 19 years ago

> hey man i was wondering if you found out the name of the godsmack song from the navy commercial and it would be a big help if you could tell me the name of it if you found out
> sick of life
# 5 19 years ago

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)

The "new" song is Sick of Life.
# 6 19 years ago

Regarding Sick of Life and Awake, Sully was interviewed and some of his remarks suprised me. He said he supports the troops, which is cool, my nephew's in the Army and facing deployment to Iraq, but the real WTF-factor was when Sully said he supports the President. Sully is a Wiccan and GSmck write a lot of songs slamming Christianity and pathetic, lying no-loads like W. Ever heard Bad Religion? The song begins and ends with Kenneth Copeland.
# 7 19 years ago

Yo man, the name of that Godsmack song that's on the Navy commercial is "Awake".
# 8 19 years ago

Yeah mand im wonderin 2
# 9 19 years ago

> hey man i was wondering if you found out the name of the godsmack song from the navy commercial and it would be a big help if you could tell me the name of it if you found out
> it is awake by godsmack
# 10 19 years ago

The new song is "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack.
# 11 19 years ago

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks!
# 12 19 years ago

encore dude!
I believe you are looking for Godsmack - Bad Magick

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks!
# 13 19 years ago

encore dude!
Hey guys, I think you are looking for Godsmack - Bad Magick from the AWAKE album.

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks!
# 14 19 years ago

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks!

The latest song used is "Straight Out of Line" by Godsmack.
# 15 19 years ago

Actually I was wrong. The song is "Sick of Life" by Godsmack. My bad.
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