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Navy Commercial Song

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# 16 19 years ago

Hey I wanted to know the same thing. I just found out that its Godsmack "Sick of Life"
Going by the last commercial I saw anyway at
Hope it helps you.
# 17 19 years ago

I believe it's a song called "Sick of Life" by Godsmack off their "Awake" album
# 18 19 years ago

Hi there,
I saw your post about the Navy commercial song and i was just wondering if you have figured what the name of the song was and who does it.

# 19 19 years ago

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks!

Just seen it tonight. Did you find out the name of the song, or group? Please let me know also.

# 20 19 years ago

> Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks

If you found it could you mail it to me?
# 21 19 years ago

> Whats up, I'm Ben. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> If anyone knows please email me with the topic something like "Navy Song", otherwise I'll just think it's junkmail and delete it.
> Thanks!
# 22 19 years ago

> hey man i was wondering if you found out the name of the godsmack song from the navy commercial and it would be a big help if you could tell me the name of it if you found out
> Awake
# 23 18 years ago

> > Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> The "new" song is Sick of Life.

Kind of a weird choice of song right there. How does the Navy expect to get people to enlist with a song called "Sick of Life"? It's like they're saying "Are you sick of your life? Then join the Navy and die!"
# 24 18 years ago

> > Whats up, I'm Mike. Does anyone know what song is used in the current US Navy commercials? (not Godsmack Awake Navy commercial, but the more current one)
> The "new" song is Sick of Life.

Kind of a weird choice of song right there. How does the Navy expect to get people to enlist with a song called "Sick of Life"? It's like they're saying "Are you sick of your life? Then join the Navy and die!"
# 25 18 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song used in the current US NAVY commercial, where they're out of the planes over the water? It's the only one I've seen, so Im guessing theres only 1 new one on air. But I like the tune, and really wanna know what the song's called. So if anyone knows, if you could email me or something, that'd be great! Thanks ya'll!

<3 Katie
# 26 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song used in the current US NAVY commercial, where they're out of the planes over the water? It's the only one I've seen, so Im guessing theres only 1 new one on air. But I like the tune, and really wanna know what the song's called. So if anyone knows, if you could email me or something, that'd be great! Thanks ya'll!

yes there's 2 of them they are Awake and Sick of Life and they're both by Godsmack..
# 27 17 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song used in the current US NAVY commercial, where they're out of the planes over the water? It's the only one I've seen, so Im guessing theres only 1 new one on air. But I like the tune, and really wanna know what the song's called. So if anyone knows, if you could email me or something, that'd be great! Thanks ya'll!
> i was also wondering what the song name was and if you know would you please email it to me
# 28 17 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song used in the current US NAVY commercial, where they're out of the planes over the water? It's the only one I've seen, so Im guessing theres only 1 new one on air. But I like the tune, and really wanna know what the song's called. So if anyone knows, if you could email me or something, that'd be great! Thanks ya'll!
> I was looking for the same song when I came across this but I found it and thought I would reply. The song is "Awake" by Godsmack
# 29 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name of the song used in the current US NAVY commercial, where they're out of the planes over the water? It's the only one I've seen, so Im guessing theres only 1 new one on air. But I like the tune, and really wanna know what the song's called. So if anyone knows, if you could email me or something, that'd be great! Thanks ya'll!
> > I was looking for the same song when I came across this but I found it and thought I would reply. The song is "Awake" by Godsmack
> >
# 30 16 years ago

There is a new one out with Coldplay. The song is clocks
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