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coca-cola roller skate commercial song?

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# 31 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
> I found the song, it's not by Crazytown. The song is by Paul Oakenfold and it's called 'Starry-Eyed Surprise.
# 32 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
> I found the song, it's not by Crazytown. The song is by Paul Oakenfold and it's called 'Starry-Eyed Surprise'.
# 33 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
> tha song iz called Starry Eyed Surprise.. by Crazytown.
# 34 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
# 35 19 years ago

> > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
# 36 19 years ago

its called starry eyed surprise by paul oakenfold your welcome
# 37 19 years ago

it's "starry eyed susrprise" by paul oakenfold
# 38 19 years ago

oops, i meant "starry eyed surprise"
# 39 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
It is called starry eyed surprise by vrazy town
# 40 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
> the song is called starry eyed surprise by oakenfold and shifty shellschock, who is from the band crazy town
# 41 18 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> >
starry eyed surprise dance all night to this DJ
# 42 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
> the songs name is "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Paul Oakenfold . hope it helps
# 43 19 years ago

The name of the song is Starry Eyed Surprise by Crazy Town.


> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
# 44 19 years ago

Dig it. That nuts is dope.

The song is "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Paul Oakenfold. The disc is called "Bunkka".

You can get it at this site for a dime:

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