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coca-cola roller skate commercial song?

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# 16 19 years ago

> I think she's a model, looks familiar. Does anyone know?
> > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?

It's "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Paul Oakenfold and Shifty aka Seth Binzer (formerly of Crazy Town.) They collaborated on it for Bunkka, Paul's album featuring various artists. You can get it at I think -
# 17 19 years ago

hi !! yep that is a good song... idk what this is all about but i just had to say that i love that song!!! lol
# 18 19 years ago

> > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?

K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
# 19 19 years ago

me again, the song is called starry eyed surprise!
> >
# 20 19 years ago

> > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
# 21 19 years ago

> > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> It's called 'Dance All Night To This DJ' by Paul Oakenfold.
> A better name to search the song under is "Starry Eyed Surprise"
# 22 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> >
> > It's called 'Dance All Night To This DJ' by Paul Oakenfold.

> Actually look up "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Shifly
# 23 19 years ago

> > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> It's called 'Dance All Night To This DJ' by Paul Oakenfold.

> nop the name is starry eyed surprise
# 24 19 years ago

Its by Paul Oakenfold entitled, "Dance all night to this DJ"

It took some work to find it, but as usual, the P2P networks always have text searches that work!
# 25 19 years ago

The song
Starry Eyed Surprise
Performed by
The song is a collaboration between producer Paul Oakenfold (world-renowned DJ) and vocalist Shifty (aka Shifty Shellshock, aka Seth Brooks Binzer, aka the guy from Crazy Town).
# 26 19 years ago

do u know the name of that song it is cool
# 27 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> >
# 28 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
Actually, the song is called "Starry Eyed Surprise" and it is by Paul Oakenfeld. It is from his 2002 album Bunkka. I thought it was Crazy Town too.
# 29 19 years ago

# 30 19 years ago

> > > the song in the new coke commercial is really cool. It's like at a beach and everybody is roller skating. The tag line is "it's all about the sparkle" or something like that. but who does the song and what is it?
> K, well i am currently looking for it it is a cool song what i know is that the song is by crazy town i dont know the name its drivng me crazy!
> >
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