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# 1 20 years ago

does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 2 20 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 3 20 years ago

i'm trying to find the words for that gatorade commercial too
# 4 20 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 5 20 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 6 20 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks..
# 7 20 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 8 20 years ago

Can ne one help me with the New Gatorade Commercial?// I know as far as Sport is Sport, ..................... and it is 90 feet to First no matter where home is.??? Plz help me
# 9 20 years ago

> > does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 10 20 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
# 11 19 years ago

> does ne one kno the words to the new gatorade commercial where the ending is like but no matter where you are its always 90 feet to home.. nd like the whole commercial is about sports being like the same everywhere... please help me out.. thanks.. xoxo
the words are your mother
# 12 19 years ago

i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest
# 13 19 years ago

> i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest

Here are the words to the commercial...
A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.

# 14 19 years ago

Sport is sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
# 15 19 years ago

A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what you better come with it or don't come at all, becuase it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.

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