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# 16 19 years ago

> > i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest
> Here are the words to the commercial...
> A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
> Gatorade
# 17 19 years ago

> > i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest
> Here are the words to the commercial...
> A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
> Gatorade
# 18 19 years ago

A sport, is a sport. A foul's a foul. And a bat's a bat even if its flat. 10 feet on the west side is 10 feet on the east side. Football is football, unless its futbol. Now a win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, u better come with it. Cuz its 90 feet to first, no matter where home is.
# 19 19 years ago

The commerical goes like this:
A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the West side, is Ten feet on the East side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. Now a win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
# 20 19 years ago

> > i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest
> Here are the words to the commercial...
> A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
> Gatorade
> The words above are right in every sense except that the football is football line is hard to convey as one of the sports shown in that scene is futbol (at the bottom) and Australian Football (at the top). Just thought that may be helpful.
# 21 19 years ago

> > i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest
> Here are the words to the commercial...
> A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
> Gatorade
> The words above are right in every sense except that the football is football line is hard to convey as one of the sports shown in that scene is futbol (at the bottom) and Australian Football (at the top). Just thought that may be helpful.
By the way, does anyone know where that commercial can be found on the internet?
# 22 19 years ago

Are you sure those are right?
They sound off in a couple places.

> Here are the words to the commercial...
> A sport is a sport. A foul is a foul. A dunk's a dunk. An out's an out, and that's that. A bat's a bat, even if it's flat. Ten feet on the East side is ten feet on the West side. Football is football, unless it's futbol. A win's a win. A loss is a loss. But no matter what, you better come with it or don't come at all, because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is.
> Gatorade
# 23 19 years ago

> i know it starts "sport is sport, a foul is a foul, football is football unless its football..." then i dont know the rest
# 24 19 years ago

are u sure it says "because it's 90 feet to FIRST no matter where home is?".....90 feet to first no matter where home is? u sure? it makes sense, but just i need to be 100% sure that it indeed says that
# 25 8 years ago

What is the name of that commercial?
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