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HP Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 2 21 years ago

Original Trailer Music (2003) - John Williams - Contains song "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
# 3 21 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 4 21 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?

I believe the group is The Cure and the title of the song is "Pictures of You."
Great song - Brings back memories.
# 5 21 years ago

it is The cure's "pictures of you"

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 6 21 years ago


Pictures of You - Disintegration album
# 7 21 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?

The New HP Picture Commercial Is The Cure - Pictures Of You.
# 8 20 years ago

> blah
# 9 20 years ago

Yeah, it's The Cure, and I'm finally numb to feeling old because of this. I was in 8th grade when Disintegration (the album that "Pictures of You" is on), and I'm on my 5th copy of the album (listened to it so much over the years that have to keep getting new copies). I remember around 2000 when Gateway started with songs from The Who for my parents' generation, and Nissan started with The Smiths' "How Soon is Now" among other 80's releases. Just a wakeup call that we're growing up and marketing people know this.
# 10 20 years ago

Yeah, it's The Cure, and I'm finally numb to feeling old because of this. I was in 8th grade when Disintegration (the album that "Pictures of You" is on), and I'm on my 5th copy of the album (listened to it so much over the years that have to keep getting new copies). I remember around 2000 when Gateway started with songs from The Who for my parents' generation, and Nissan started with The Smiths' "How Soon is Now" among other 80's releases. Just a wakeup call that we're growing up and marketing people know this.
# 11 20 years ago

Yeah, it's The Cure, and I'm finally numb to feeling old because of this. I was in 8th grade when Disintegration (the album that "Pictures of You" is on), and I'm on my 5th copy of the album (listened to it so much over the years that have to keep getting new copies). I remember around 2000 when Gateway started with songs from The Who for my parents' generation, and Nissan started with The Smiths' "How Soon is Now" among other 80's releases. Just a wakeup call that we're growing up and marketing people know this.
# 12 20 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> The New HP Picture Commercial Is The Cure - Pictures Of You.

> Just a great song and a great commerical.
# 13 20 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 14 20 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 15 20 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> The New HP Picture Commercial Is The Cure - Pictures Of You.
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