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HP Commercial

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# 16 20 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 17 20 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 18 20 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 19 20 years ago

> > > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> >
Not sure if anyone has answered this but the artist and song name are in the subject field.
# 20 20 years ago

The Cure- Pictures of You

> > > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> >
Not sure if anyone has answered this but the artist and song name are in the subject field.
# 21 20 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?

The Cure Pictures of You
# 22 20 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> I believe the group is The Cure and the title of the song is "Pictures of You."
> Great song - Brings back memories.
# 23 20 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 24 20 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 25 20 years ago

> The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
# 26 20 years ago

Name of the SOng IS Baba O'Reily By the WHo
# 27 19 years ago

> > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> I believe the group is The Cure and the title of the song is "Pictures of You."
> Great song - Brings back memories.

Actually the song is Picture Book by the Kinks on their Village Green Preservation album
# 28 19 years ago

> > > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> >
> > I believe the group is The Cure and the title of the song is "Pictures of You."
> > Great song - Brings back memories.
> Actually the song is Picture Book by the Kinks on their Village Green Preservation album

Well what is the song in the HP commercial with the girl rollerblading -it goes like "your my starey eyed suprise"
# 29 19 years ago

> > > > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> > >
> > > I believe the group is The Cure and the title of the song is "Pictures of You."
> > > Great song - Brings back memories.
> >
> > Actually the song is Picture Book by the Kinks on their Village Green Preservation album
> Well what is the song in the HP commercial with the girl rollerblading -it goes like "your my starey eyed suprise"

Why don't you just go onto the HP weblink for all of the commericals? You can actually download the commercial itself and it tells you the song and the artist. The site is...
# 30 19 years ago

> > > > The new HP Picture commercial has a song that sounds like U2 or the Cure. Who sings it and what is the name of the song?
> > >
> > > I believe the group is The Cure and the title of the song is "Pictures of You."
> > > Great song - Brings back memories.
> >
> > Actually the song is Picture Book by the Kinks on their Village Green Preservation album
> Well what is the song in the HP commercial with the girl rollerblading -it goes like "your my starey eyed suprise"

What is the name of the newest song where the guy has the two frames and he keeps on getting pictures of himself?
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