Venice sighting
Did you go to school with that guy skating through venice in a flesh colored spandex suit?
Haha, imagine if he was someone I went to school with. I wouldn't be surprised.
Here's the second part of that news cast:
I want a hug from that guy.
What does it say on his chest? Even though Venice is known for being so, well, weird, I've never actually witnessed anything strange while there.
I'm not a big fan of sand.
i don't go to the beach often, but when I do, I hang in the more secluded area, away from the tourists and weirdos.
Does it say swrv on his chest?
I think it does say swrv on his chest. I'm going to the over the weekend. I'll take pictures if I see him.
It's fascinating, but I don't get why he would do that.
I know swrv is a tv channel. i don't think he has anything to do with that, though.
I want to see more of this nude suit guy. Anyone have more footage?
Yea, I like this guy a lot. I wish I lived near the west coast, so I could try to find this guy.
I bet you think guy will become an actor, or he will be as noticeable as the naked cowboy in new york.
There's a few boardwalk performers who have become famous, so it could happen.
I have not seen anything on this guy anywhere else. Does he still wander around? I bet he finally got a job that pays, so he doesn't have to spend the day running in a nude suit. Come back!
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