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Bruce Springsteen - Secret Garden

Music Video
ArtistBruce Springsteen
SongSecret Garden
AlbumGreatest Hits
AlbumSoundtrack _Jerry Maguire_
DirectorPeter Care
DirectorErnie Fritz
GenreClassic Rock
LabelCBS Records
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


She'll let you in her house
If you come knockin' late at night
She'll let you in her mouth
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides

She'll let you in her car
To go drivin' round
She'll let you into the parts of herself
That'll bring you down
She'll let you in her heart
© Bruce Springsteen - Secret Garden. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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