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Citroen C4 - Transformer (Alive With Technology)

TV Commercial | 2005
DirectorNeill Blomkamp
MusicLes Rythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body (aka Check The Body)
ProducerWinston Helgason (at The Embassy VFX)
ProducerCarlo Trulli (at Spy Films)
Production DesignerSteve Nicholls
Production CompanySpy Films
Production CompanyThe Embassy VFX
AgencyEuro RSCG, London
Biz SectorAutomotive
FX DPTrevor Cawood
NotesThe Choreographer Marty Kudelka was also the source (the dancer) for the motion-capturing.
Go and visit the entry for the song in this ad
Script/Written byMatt Anderson
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameTransformer (Alive With Technology)
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
The Bloc AgencyMarty Kudelka
VFX SupervisorNeill Blomkamp
Release date

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