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Clipland is an open database.

You, our users, can help us build one of the most complete resources about short form media online. So if you're a filmmaker, an artist or by any other means know metadata about a project new or old, let us know.

Submitting new films or updating older entries is really simple!
Let us do the work
Just share any records with director, DP, year, talent, etc. credits with us. We'll add and edit cast & crew for those films then. Film-style CVs are good. Or simply send us a copy of your last Call Sheet.

Send us what you've got:

or via FAX:
+49 203 94100 991
FAX submissions are free form, but we provide basic templates for [music videos] and [tv commercials].
― or ―
Add data yourself
Clipland provides simple tools to create or update entries in our database. We just ask you to be logged in, so that we can track and review your submissions.

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And then just follow the update links on each Clipland page or on your user account page.
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(Optional) Leave your email to let us contact you to follow up on your feedback. Your email address will be kept private.

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