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Goodie Mob feat. Big Boi & Backbone - Get Rich To This

Music Video
ArtistBig Boi
ArtistGoodie Mob
ArtistGoodie Mob
ArtistBig Boi (featuring)
ArtistBackbone (featuring)
SongGet Rich To This
DirectorMarcus Raboy
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Chorus: Goodie Mob

We peel out sideways (get rich to this)
We do a hundred on the highways (get rich to this)
Thank God for Friday's (get rich to this)
Hey hey hey hey!! (get rich to this)
We peel out sideways (get rich to this)
We do a hundred on the highways (get rich to this)
Thank God for Friday's (get rich to this)
Say say say say!! (get rich to this)

It'll be all slipp-ery, slick wid it
© Goodie Mob feat. Big Boi & Backbone - Get Rich To This. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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