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ZZ Top - Pincushion

Music Video
ArtistZZ Top
DirectorJulien Temple
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


I been stuck, so I asked her why
She gave me acupuncture as her alibi
Shook my soul, and stole my dough
Left my condition down a deep dark hole
I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
I'm just a pincushion, do everything she ask
I get nailed every now and then
I get my mojo working but I'm pinned again
I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
I'm just a pincushion, do everything she asks
I'm getting pricked around and punctureated
I let my ya ya down, I got penetrated
I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
I'm just a pincushion, do everything she asks
© ZZ Top - Pincushion. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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