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Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You

Music Video | 1992
ArtistWhitney Houston
SongI Will Always Love You
AlbumSoundtrack _The Bodyguard_
DirectorAlan Smithee
MusicDolly Parton
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date


The single's music video, is credited to Alan Smithee (Nick Brandt removed his name due to the way Clive Davis re-edited the video), and produced by Rob Newman. It begins with the performance of the song Houston gives at the end of The Bodyguard. The video then cuts to Houston in a dark blue suit sitting in an empty theater with the spotlight shining on her, singing of her love. The video is inter-cut with scenes from The Bodyguard and gives the viewer the experience of reliving the moments with the singer. At the time of the video's shooting Houston was pregnant with her daughter Bobbi Kristina so is shown only sitting in the theater scenes


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