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Queensryche - Anybody Listening?

Music Video | 1992
SongAnybody Listening?
DirectorMatt Murray
Director of PhotographyDaniel Pearl
MusiciansGeoff Tate - Vocals, Keyboards<BR>Chris DeGarmo - Guitar<BR>Michael Wilton - Guitar<BR>Eddie Jackson - Bass, Backing Vocals<BR>Scott Rockenfield - Drums, Percussion
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date


You and I
long to live like the wind upon the water.
If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize
there's more to life than what we have known.
And I can't believe I've spent so long
living lies I know were wrong inside,
I've just begun to see the light.

Long ago there was a dream,
had to make a choice or two.
Leaving all I loved behind,
for what nobody knew.
Stepped out on the stage, a life
under lights and judging eyes.
© Queensryche - Anybody Listening?. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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