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Patty Loveless - A Thousand Times A Day

Music Video | 1996
ArtistPatty Loveless
SongA Thousand Times A Day
DirectorNigel Dick
Director of PhotographyCarolyn Chen
EditorBruce Ochmanek
Art DirectorDaivd Faithful
Production CompanyDickfilms[df331](Mark Fetterman)
NotesThe location is a real _historic_ place: a bordello in the 30ties and a place for band gigs in the 70ties
Production time1 day
Script/Written byNigel Dick
Set LocationThe Mermaid, Malibu, California, USA
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
TelecineBrian Linse
Release date


(Gary Burr/Gary Nicholson)

I gave up cigarettes
I haven't had to light one yet
And it's been a year since I stopped
The same goes for alcohol
I don't touch the stuff at all
And I used to drink till I dropped
Those were tough, this is easy
And it feels so good to say
Forgetting you is not that hard to do
I've done it a thousand times a day

© Patty Loveless - A Thousand Times A Day. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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