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Mazzy Star - Fade Into You (version 1: Original version)

Music Video | 1993
ArtistMazzy Star
SongFade Into You (version 1: Original version)
AlbumSo Tonight Taht I Might See
DirectorMerlyn Rosenberg
DirectorMazzy Star
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationsblack/white - format unknown
Release date


First aired in February 1994. Known as the Black and White version for its monochromic content throughout, the intentionally grainy, distorted footage shows the band performing in a darkened Burlesque-era ballroom, and is interspersed with footage of Sandoval and Roback at various sites around San Francisco, including the All Seasons Hotel (now the Crescent Hotel) and neighboring Stockton Street tunnel, coupled with genuine footage of the same sites shot in the 1930s. This video here is credited as the first version, as it was the one broadcasted internationally. There's a second video which was actually produced prior to this one but was only used on MTV USA.


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