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Marcy Playground - Saint Joe On The School Bus

Music Video | 1998
ArtistMarcy Playground
SongSaint Joe On The School Bus
AlbumMarcy Playground
DirectorHammer, Tongs
Director of PhotographyRay Dumas
Production CompanyRevolver Films
Full StoryBoy Cries wolf gets swallowed by dog
Playback/Video AssistBrandon Cooper
Set LocationToronto, Ontario, Canada
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Saint Joe he said he's never been
Dressed up like a woman
Saint Joe they said your dad is gay
They said your mom
She's a whore They said it 'til you
Were raw They said your mom
She's a bore They made her beg
Them for more My Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary says
They have the darkness there in their eyes
Saint Joe he said he's never been made
Up like a woman
© Marcy Playground - Saint Joe On The School Bus. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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