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LL Cool J - Ain't Nobody

Music Video
ArtistLL Cool J
SongAin't Nobody
AlbumSoundtrack _Beavis & Butt-Head Do America_
DirectorMichael Martin
GenreRap and Hip Hop
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Oh my God, you know

I'm the best when it comes to makin' love all night
Throw your butterscotch body beneath the red light
Blaze it up girl, i'm a lace it real tight
Go deep 'til the full moon turn to sunlight
'Til the darkness is gone love remains strong
Like the bond between the child is so worn
'Til the touch, passionate interludes is such
When your gone, your body's what i yearn to clutch
Just imagine ecstacy floatin' in a cloud
Animal attraction burnin' through the crowd
Heaven on earth, paradise for a price
© LL Cool J - Ain't Nobody. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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