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Lisa Loeb - Let's Forget About It

Music Video
ArtistLisa Loeb
SongLet's Forget About It
DirectorChris Applebaum
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


i told you i was sorry, i told you i was wrong,
i said it was an accident and don't tell anyone.

but you love to circle round and round, you're so misunderstood.
yeah, you love to circle round and round & you know that we should
forget about it -

let's forget about it

you lied about how much you knew, i thought you were my friend.
you lied upon the mattress, c'mon tell me where you've been.
you lied about this night apart, you lied about the room.
if you're gonna have to lie to me then
© Lisa Loeb - Let's Forget About It. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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