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LEN - Steal My Sunshine

Music Video | 1999
SongSteal My Sunshine
AlbumSoundtrack _Go_
AlbumYou Can't Stop The Bum Rush
DirectorB-Rad, The Burger Pimp
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date


i was lying on the grass on sunday morning of last week
indulging in my selfdefeats
my mind was thugged, all laced and bugged, all twisted round and beat
uncomfortable three feet deep
now the fuzzy stare from not being thereon a confusing morning week
impaired my tribal lunar-speak
and of courseyou can't become if you only say what you would have done
so i missed amillion miles of fun

i know it's up for me
if you steal mysunshine
making sure i'm not in too deep
if you steal mysunshine
© LEN - Steal My Sunshine. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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