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Keb' Mo' - Just Like You

Music Video | 1997
ArtistKeb' Mo'
SongJust Like You
DirectorNigel Dick
Director of PhotographyRussell Swanson
EditorBruce Ochmanek
Art DirectorTom Green
Production CompanyDickfilms[df345](Philippa Davis)
NotesThe Artist had only three hours sleep that night, the sat 4 hours in a plane and after all that he had to act 12 hours in front of the camera
Production time1 day
Script/Written byNigel Dick
Set LocationNew York City, New York, USA
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
TelecineBrian Linse
Release date


Hello my old friend
It's been awhile
All our old clothes
Are back in style
We went our separate ways,
Only to return
To face a lesson
We failed to learn

We didn't understand the truth
We were blinded by the eyes of youth
But time kept on moving
And a change has come
© Keb' Mo' - Just Like You. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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