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Jon B. feat. Guru - Cool Relax

Music Video | USA | 1967
ArtistJon B.
ArtistGuru (featuring)
SongCool Relax
DirectorJon B.
DirectorTim Story
Director of PhotographyChuck Ozeas
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


I was just coasting away
And wasn't even thinkin of anybody no
You took my mind sexy no doubt
Envisionung turning u out
And then we caught eyes ain't no stoppin now
Burn some candlelight incence
Taste of berry wine
Just me and you and all i wanna do
Is get with you
One night it could be so real
If you give me a chance baby
I want to show you romance baby

© Jon B. feat. Guru - Cool Relax. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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