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Jennifer Love Hewitt - How Do I Deal

Music Video
ArtistJennifer Love Hewitt
SongHow Do I Deal
AlbumSoundtrack _I Still Know What You Did Last Summer_
DirectorJoseph Kahn
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Every day I wake up to another day gone by
Nothing but the open road and the never-ending why
Anything can happen, yeah, but nothin ever does
I try to change, it's kinda strange, the same as it ever was,
but look at us

How do I deal with you
How do I deal with me
When I don't even know myself
Or what it is you want from me
How do I deal with us
How do I know what's real
When I don't even trust myself
© Jennifer Love Hewitt - How Do I Deal. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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