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James Bonamy - I Don't Think I Will

Music Video | 1996
ArtistJames Bonamy
SongI Don't Think I Will
AlbumWhat I Live To Do
DirectorGreg Crutcher
Director of PhotographyMatt Coale
NotesThe songs of James Bonamy are one of a kind. He sings from his heart, and he lets his fans into his soul.
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date


(Doug Johnson)

Hold it right there
Don't say a word
I hear a voice I've never heard
Calling my name
Saying this is the one
Oh my goodness what have you done
I could turn around and walk away
Saying this is too good to be real
But oh no I don't think I will

Because I absolutely, positively know without a doubt
© James Bonamy - I Don't Think I Will. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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