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Gangstarr - Mass Appeal

Music Video
SongMass Appeal
DirectorDiane Martel
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Verse One: Guru
No way you'll never make it
Come with the weak shit I break kids
Step into my zone mad rhymes will stifle ya
Lines like rifles go blast when I kick some ass
A lot of rappers be like one time wonders
Couldn't say a fly rhyme if there was one right under
Their noses I hate those motherfuckin posers
But I'm so real to them it's scary
And with my unique skills nag you can't compare me
And no we don't make wack tracks
and all the suckers get pushed back when I'm kickin real facts
I represent set up shit like a tent boy
© Gangstarr - Mass Appeal. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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