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Ellen Foley - Boys In The Attic

Music Video
ArtistEllen Foley
SongBoys In The Attic
DirectorDavid Mallet
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


By Ellie Greenwich, Jeff Kent and Rob Parissi
I remember yesterday
It doesn't seem so far away
The crazy things we used to do. I can still remember
All the boys on Friday night
We had to keep 'em out of sight
So we could have our secret rendezvous
I remember the danger
I remember the sign
We were flashing the lights
('Cause)We were ready (we were ready) for the boys.
We always had the time to be taking
Boys in the attic
© Ellen Foley - Boys In The Attic. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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