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Cowboy Junkies - A Common Disaster

Music Video
ArtistCowboy Junkies
SongA Common Disaster
DirectorChris Applebaum
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


A candle burning for everything I've ever wanted
A tattoo burned for everything I've ever wanted and lost
I had a long list of names that I kept in my back pocket,
But I've cut it down to one and your name's at the top

Won't you share a common disaster?
Share with me a common disaster
A common disaster

I found myself a friend,
But he's crooked as a stick in water
So now I'm writing fairy tales
To catch the spirit of revenge
He's got a plan to steal my little sister,
© Cowboy Junkies - A Common Disaster. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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