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Counting Crows - Angels Of The Silences

Music Video
ArtistCounting Crows
SongAngels Of The Silences
DirectorJosh Taft
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Well I guess you left me with some feathers in my hand
Did it make it any easier to leave me where I stand?
I guess there might not be too many who would stand beside you now
Where'd you come from? Where am I going?
Why'd you leave me 'till I'm only good for...

Waiting for you
All my sins...
I said that I would pay for them if I could come back to you
All my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming

Every night these silhouettes appear above my head
Little angels of the silences that climb into my bed and whisper
© Counting Crows - Angels Of The Silences. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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