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Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart (Ski Resort Version)

Music Video
ArtistBackstreet Boys
SongI'll Never Break Your Heart (Ski Resort Version)
AlbumBackstreet Boys, The Hits Chapter One
DirectorLionel C. Martin
Production DesignerValarie Wise
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Baby I know your hurting
Right now you feel like you could never love again
Now all I ask is for a chance
To prove that I love you
From the first day
That I saw your smiling face
Honey, I knew that we would be together forever
Ooh when I asked you out
You said no but I found out
Darling that you'd been hurt
You felt that you'd never love again
I deserve a try honey just once
Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong
© Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart (Ski Resort Version). This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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