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H-Blockx - Time Of My Life

Music Video | 1999
SongTime Of My Life
AlbumSoundtrack _Bang Boom Bang_
Full StoryThe band is in a drive-in theater when suddenly their car drives into the screen and into the movie.
Outro runtime0:10
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
TechniqueExcerpts from the motion-picture _Bang Boom Bang_


Sometimes I'm just thinking,
that I got the best time of my life
I've been with my girl for seven years now
and I got the sweetest dog that,
trust me forever

After school I took my chances,
continued to do the things I love
And now I find that I was right,
I'm 26 now still I
do what I want to,

And the days are passing by,
© H-Blockx - Time Of My Life. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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