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Cypress Hill - Dr. Greenthumb

Music Video | 1999
ArtistCypress Hill
SongDr. Greenthumb
DirectorEstevan Oriol
GenreRap and Hip Hop
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


[a short skit opens the beginning of the song]
Hello, I'm Dr. Greenthumb
Have you ever had the problem of running out of weed
and just can't find some anywhere?
Well try my Dr. Greenthumb grow tips
I'll show you how to grow inside and out
From seed to clone, and the best homegrown
And if you're afraid of those pesky pork choppers in the sky
No worries, we'll fix them too
with one of our Dr. Greenthumb 'Sizzlean' screens
to block the nosy pig's vision
Don't believe me?
Just ask one of my many satisfied clients here Jed Sanders
© Cypress Hill - Dr. Greenthumb. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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