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P. M. Dawn - Set Adrift On Memory Bliss

Music Video
ArtistP. M. Dawn
SongSet Adrift On Memory Bliss
AlbumOf The Soul
AlbumAnd Of The Cross
AlbumOf The Heart
DirectorMark Pellington
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


The camera pans the cocktail glass,
behind a blind of plastic plants;
I found the lady with the fat diamond ring.
then you know I can't remember a damn thing.
I think it's one of those de ja vu things,
or a dream that's tryin' to tell me something.
Or will I ever stop thinkin' about it.
I don't know, I doubt it.
Subterranean by design,
I wonder what I would find if I met you,
let my eyes caress you,
until I meet the thought of Missess Princess Who?
Often wonder what makes her work.
© P. M. Dawn - Set Adrift On Memory Bliss. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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