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Monster Magnet - Space Lord

Music Video
ArtistMonster Magnet
SongSpace Lord
DirectorJoseph Kahn
Set LocationLas Vegas, Nevada, USA
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


I've been stuffed in your pocket for the last hundred days
When I don't get my bath I take it out on the slaves
So grease up your baby for the ball on the hill
Polish them rockets now, and swallow those pills
And say oh --- Space Lord Mothermother
There's a car in the field now in a column of flame
With two doors to choose but only one bears your name
You been drinking my blood
while I been lickin' your wounds
Well I'll shave off the pitch now
and the scope of your tune
You'll sing oh --- Space Lord Mothermother
I left my throne a million miles away
© Monster Magnet - Space Lord. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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