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Eurythmics - Thorn In My Side

Music Video
SongThorn In My Side
DirectorDave Stewart
DirectorChris Ashbrook
GenreElectronica (Techno, Ambient, Jungle,...)
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


You gave me such a bad time
tried to hurt me
but now I know:

Thorn in my side
you know that's all you ever were.
A bundle of lies
you know that's all that it was worth.
I should have known better but I trusted you at first.
I should have known better but I got what I deserved.

To run away from you was all that I could do.
To run away from you was all that I could do.
© Eurythmics - Thorn In My Side. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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