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Cowboy Junkies - Miles From Our Home

Music Video
ArtistCowboy Junkies
SongMiles From Our Home
DirectorJosh Levy
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


No one in sight for fifty miles
Sleeping fields sigh as I glide across their spines.
If I can just reach the crest of that hill
This whole day will tumble, out the night will spill.

The sky as still as a spinning top
Shooting stars drop like burning words from above
If I could just connect all these dots
The truth would tumble like a Cynic vexed by love.

And yet people keep saying
I'm miles from my home,
Miles from my home.

© Cowboy Junkies - Miles From Our Home. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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