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Arrested Development - Mr. Wendal

Music Video
ArtistArrested Development
SongMr. Wendal
AlbumThe Best Of Arrested Development
AlbumClassic Masters
Album3 Years 5 Months 2 Days In The Life Of...
DirectorKeith Ward
GenreRap and Hip Hop
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


See I was resting at the park minding my own
business as I kick up the treble tone
on my radio tape player box, right
just loud enough so folks could hear it's hype, see ?
Outta nowhere comes the woman I'm dating
investigation maybe she was demonstrating
But nevertheless I was pleased
My day was going great and my soul was at ease
until a group of brothers started bugging out
drinking the 40 oz, going the nigga route
Disrespecting my black queen
holding their crotches and being obscene
At first I ignored them cause see I know their type
© Arrested Development - Mr. Wendal. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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