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Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer

Music Video | United Kingdom | 1986
ArtistPeter Gabriel
DirectorStephen Johnson
Director of PhotographyDavid Sproxton
MusicPeter Gabriel
MusicFord & Atwater
Production CompanyAardman Animations
Production CompanyAdam Whitaker - Limelight & RealWorld
AnimatorNick Park
Art DirectionBrothers Quay
Art DirectionMichael Wright
AwardsBritish Phonographic Industry Awards, 1987, Best Video
Montreux Pop Promo Festival, 1987, Best Video
MTV Awards, New York, 1987(Best Video of the Year, Best Male Video, Best Overall Performance in a Video, Best Art Direction in a Video, Best Editing in a Video, Best Concept Video, Best Direction in a Video, Most Experimental Video, Best Special Effects in a Video)
Full StoryPeter Lord(Animation), Nick Park(Animation), Richard Golesowski & Brothers Quay(Animation)
LabC. F. S.
LabelVirgin Records
ModelsGreg Boulton
ModelsChris Lyons
ModelsMichael Wright
ModelsDebbie Smith
NotesOne of the first videos in a very own visual style that seperated video art from movies.
Scenic ArtistFred Grey
Scenic ArtistJudith Hague
Script/Written byRank
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - 35mm (all types)


you could have a steam train
if you'd just lay down your tracks
you could have an aeroplane flying
if you bring your blue sky back

all you do is call me
I'll be anything you need

you could have a big dipper
going up and down, all around the bends
you could have a bumper car, bumping
this amusement never ends

I want to be your sledgehammer
© Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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