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Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy (Director´s Cut)

Music Video | 1997
ArtistAphex Twin
ArtistAphex Twin
ArtistAphex Twin
SongCome To Daddy (Director´s Cut)
AlbumCome To Daddy EP
DirectorChris Cunningham
MusicRichard D. James
ProducerMasks (at Creature Effects)
GenreElectronica (Techno, Ambient, Jungle,...)
GenreDance & Electronica
Production CompanyCreature Effects
NotesThe Director´s Cut contains a quite strange scene where the characters are just screaming. The broadcast version without this scene was made to simplify the airplay on the music television stations. Chris Cunningham on R.D. James: _We're both total squares. He is someone who likes just sitting in his bedroom and so do I._
Set LocationThamesmead Housing Estate, Wollwich, East London, Great Britain
Sound MixStereo
TalentRichard D. James - Alan Stokes
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date



France's MCM Video Festival - Grand Prix Prize

1998 Music Week CAD Awards(Best Video of 1997, Best Dance Video, Best Cinematography in a Video, Best Editing in a Video)


1998 MVPA Awards(Video of the Year, Best Direction of a Music Video, Best Dance Video)

1998 MTV Video Music Awards(Best Special Effects)

Title Relations

┌────────────────┐  tone and masks as in   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Help Is Coming │ ······················> │ Aphex Twin "Come To Daddy (Director´s Cut)" │
└────────────────┘                         └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘

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