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Fatboy Slim - Praise You

Music Video | 1999
ArtistFatboy Slim
SongPraise You
AlbumYou've Come A Long Way, Baby
DirectorRoman Coppola aka Torrance Community Dance Group
DirectorSpike Jonze
MusicNorman Cook
GenreElectronica (Techno, Ambient, Jungle,...)
GenreDance & Electronica
GenreDance & Electronica
Intro runtime0:05
Music ProducerNorman Cook
Notesthis is the broadcasted version
notice the unscheduled appearance of the theatre managers (they allowed to show them uncut), a break-dancing Michael Jackson impersonator appeared and insisted on referring us to his agent (he's been cutted out). Spike initially thought that he pushed the limits too far with this video - he could not expect that this was going to be his biggest hit.
Outro runtime0:18
Production costscheap
Production time10 minutes (just a single take)
Set LocationFoyer of the Bruin Theater, 925 Broxton Avenue, Westwood, Los Angeles, California, USA
Song Awards1999 MVPA Award(Best Dance Video)
Sound MixStereo
TalentTorrance Community Dance Group (unknown actors/dancers)
TalentMan in background (Norman Cook)
TalentLead Dancer (Spike Jonze)
Technical Specificationscolour - VHS/ semi-professional
Release date

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