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Help Is Coming

Short Film | USA | 2006
DirectorBen Mor
Director of PhotographyTodd A. Somodevilla
EditorHoward Shur
EditorSteve Rees
ProducerKareem Johnson
ProducerAllison Kunzman (@ Smuggler)
ProducerPatrick Milling Smith (@ Smuggler)
LocationNew Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Production CompanySmuggler
ColoristBeau Leon (@ The Syndicate)
Music Scoreben Mor
NoteIn memory of those who died during hurrican Katrina.
Post ProductionThe Syndicate
Runtime8 minutes
Title designGrant Lau

Title Relations

┌────────────────┐  tone and masks as in   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Help Is Coming │ ······················> │ Aphex Twin "Come To Daddy (Director´s Cut)" │
└────────────────┘                         └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘

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