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Big Buck Bunny

Short Film | Netherlands | 2008
DirectorSacha Goedegebure
WriterSacha Goedegebure
ComposerJan Morgenstern
Art DirectorAndreas Goralczyk
Art DirectorEnrico Valenza
Production CompanyBlender Institute
ProductionTon Roosendaal
AnimatorNathan Vegdahl
AnimatorWilliam Reynish
Runtime10 minutes
Technical DirectorCampbell Barton
Technical DirectorBrecht van Lommel
Release date

Title Relations

┌────────┐  preceded by   ┌────────────────┐  preceded by   ┌─────────────────┐
│ Sintel │ ·············> │ Big Buck Bunny │ ·············> │ Elephants Dream │
└────────┘                └────────────────┘                └─────────────────┘

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