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Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake - Love Sex Magic

Music Video | USA | 2009
ArtistJustin Timberlake (featuring)
ArtistBow Wow
ArtistCiara (featuring)
AlbumFantasy Ride
DirectorDiane Martel
Director of PhotographyMalik Sayeed
EditorHolle Singer
ProducerJill Hardin (music video)
Production DesignerPaula Good
Production CompanyHSI
ChoreographyJamaica Craft
Hair StylistKiyah Wright
Makeup ArtistYolanda Frederick
Post ProductionConsulate (Editorial House)
Released onMarch 22, 2009 (music video)
StylistMariel Haenn


Your touch is so magic to me
The strangest things can happen
The way that you react to me
I wanna do something you can’t imagine
Imagine if there was a million me’s talking sexy to you like that
You think you can handle, boy
If I give you my squeeze and I need you to push it right back

(Verse Break)

Baby, show me, show me
What’s your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I’ll volunteer
And I’ll be flowing and going
© Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake - Love Sex Magic. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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