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Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around... Comes Around

Music Video | USA
ArtistJustin Timberlake
DirectorSamuel Bayer
ActorJustin Timberlake (Himself)
ActressScarlett Johansson (Girl)
Production CompanySerial Pictures
NoteProduct placement for Porsche.


Hey Girl
Is he everything you wanted in a man?
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand
So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you, baby (baby)
Me and you until the end
But I guess I was wrong

Don't wanna think about it (uh)
Don't wanna talk about it (uh)
I'm just so sick about it
I can't believe it's ending this way
© Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around... Comes Around. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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