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Maria Mena - You're The Only One

Music Video | 2005
ArtistMaria Mena
SongYou're The Only One
AlbumWhite Turns Blue
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Well I saw you with your hands above your head
Spinning around, trying not to look down
But you did, and you fell, hard on the ground
Then you stumbled around for a good ten minutes
And I said I'd never seen anyone look so dumb before
And you laughed and said I still know how to turn you on though

You're the only one who
Drags me kicking and screaming through fast dreams
You're the only one who
Knows exactly what I mean

And I probably forgot to tell you this
© Maria Mena - You're The Only One. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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